Do You Turn Air Conditioner Up Or Down? (Answered)

Adjusting the temperature setting on your air conditioning unit will speed up its cooling of your house. However, there is a limit to how far this helps; once you exceed maximum comfortable level your AC will have to work harder to produce cool air, which could result in higher energy bills and increased operating expenses.

While you are at home, avoid setting the air conditioner to its highest possible setting; doing so wastes energy as the system must work overtime to reach comfortable temperatures. Instead, when leaving home for the day set your thermostat a few degrees higher to allow the unit to continue running without straining itself to bring the temperature down again once you return home.

An air conditioner’s primary goal should be to improve human comfort by conditioning air so it’s fresher and free of pollutants – usually by about 15-20 degrees cooler air coming out than what was taken in by its intake system.

Humidity levels should also be taken into consideration, since excessive humidity is not only uncomfortable but can be damaging to both people and property. High humidity can cause wood to rot, warp floorboards, shrink caulking, and can even produce static electricity which damages electronic equipment.

Maintaining a lower temperature throughout the day can reduce humidity levels in your house, helping you save money and maintain an appealing interior environment. If high levels of moisture persist, consider purchasing a dehumidifier to further decrease moisture.

How you configure your air conditioner during an absence in Columbia, MD will depend on how long you plan to be gone. If it will only be for several hours, consider setting your timer to turn it on during the last nine or so hours of your commute; that way when you return, your home will already have been cool or warm enough. However, for longer absences it would be beneficial to leave it off in order to save energy costs by not running it continuously while away at work.

Also Read:  How Long Do You Have to Wait to Turn on an Air Conditioner? (Answered)